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aerOS OpenConf


General Information
Please enter a password you will remember. The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of this form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to this submission.
Author 1
Contact Author
Author who will serve as the point of contact for correspondence about the submission.
Alternate contact information, such as personal email address or telephone number; used only if unable to contact using above email address.
Which is the main idea of the project and which sector it is expected to influence?
How does the project go beyond currently existing solutions?
How does the technology of the project interact with aerOS Meta-OS?
How does it validate and helps uptaking/upscaling aerOS technology?
Which are the expected outcomes and results of the project?
Are those enough substantiated? Is the output TRL clear enough?
Which is the illustrative process depicting the expected improvements/developments in the project?
Which is the product/technology underlying the project?
Is there any IPR background existing that should be noted?
Impact and Sustainability
How will the project contribute to aerOS upscale and adoption?
Which are the expected actions to foster the uptake of open source technologies?
Which is the expected impact of the solution during aerOS project?
Explain every expected publication (scientific paper, congress article, etc.).
Which are the mid- and long- term indicators that could be monitored to measure the impact of your solution? Attempt to quantify such estimated impact
How will you ensure the sustainability of the work beyond the end of the funding? Please indicate any additional sources of funding/support you may need and how you plan to secure it.
Which is the exploitation and commercialization strategy behind the product?
Standardisation and roll-out potential
Implementation workplan
Is the Gantt plan adjusted to 8 months and is the diagram properly included in the attached PDF?
Is the implementation feasible and doable in a short timespan?
Is the work properly separated by knowledge domains and activities?
Is there a structure of the control in the advances, and a solid timing for deliveries to accomplish the objectives? Is this well aligned with the timing of expected “technical checks to be performed by aerOS Coordination? (Month M1+, M6+ and M8+)?
Is any additionally necessary means to realise the idea properly described (data, equipment, connectivity, access to infrastructure, systems, etc.)?
Team and Company
Is the experience of the organisation (relevant previous projects, services, contracts, etc.) included?
Which is the experience and specialization of your company Cite products, projects and previous research and transfer experiences.
Are all the relevant members of your team properly listed, indicating gender (voluntarily), their relevant skills and experience?
Is the rationale of the structure of the team and the roles and responsibilities that each member will be taking well described?

Please check over your entries, making sure everything is filled out. When ready, click on the Make Submission button below once.

The confirmation email will be sent to:

Ethics guidelines
The aerOS is to comply with the ethical standards in its operation. The project’s ethics manual guides the actions to accommodate participants and sets the requirements.
The ethical issues are vital to be followed by all the participants in the project throughout its whole lifecycle– before, during, but also after the pilot period in relation to knowledge exchange and impact activities (such as reporting and publication).
A set of core ethical principles are listed below providing general guidance that the winning applicants that the winning applicants will need to follow:
1. The European GDPR law is a source for general personal data protection principles. The principles set in GDPR law should be respected by design and by default.
2. Integrity and transparency are characteristics that should be present in each aspect of the project.
3. The definition of responsibility and accountability should be set in clear lines.
4. Independence of projects should be maintained and where conflicts of interest cannot be avoided they should be made explicit.
5. Individuals and groups’ rights and dignity is to be always respected in each project aspect.
6. Data subjects’ rights exercise to be informed, to object, to be forgotten, and to withdraw consent should be ensured.
7. Personal data processing should be conducted in a legally way.
8. Decisions that are made solely upon automated processing of data should be avoided.
9. Processing of data that may profile data subjects should be excluded.

Privacy policy on data collection
All data collected and/or processed within the aerOS project will need to be compliant with the GDPR regulation. In this respect, the aerOS Open Call will involve:
1. Collection of personal and non-personal data from the open call applicant.
2. Collection and processing of deployment site-related data by the winning.

Collection of personal & non-personal data from the open call applicant By inviting participants to submit a pilot project proposal the aerOS Consortium will collect the participant’s personal data submitted by them and process in accordance with applicable law and data protection with particular regard to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (infra “GDPR”). The principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, and integrity will be fundamental in the processing of participants personal data, privacy and rights.

Nature of data collected
An online form "Submittable" has been created for participation in the open call. The participants are to submit their details through the online form. Through this submission, aerOS collects personal personal email address, phone number and the relevant registration number allocated to your application.
The purpose and modalities of the processing for which the data are intended.
Your personal information, referring to you as a natural person, or related to the company that you represent, is collected for the purpose of checking the eligibility for funding of the applicants and for the purpose of the obligatory reporting by aerOS to the European Commission.
Your personal data may be processed both by digital and non-digital means, with full respect to the security measures provided by the GDPR.
Additionally, during the project period the winning applicants can be asked to participate in interviews or to contribute to communication material on their pilots. Such material, including personal data, will be published in aerOS social media channels, the aerOS website or communicated through relevant press releases.
Finally, the applied personal data may be used for contacting the open call participants after the end of the project, to inform them of similar initiatives and invite you to participate in novel activities. For these purposes, communication via email is probable to take place.
We take the security of your personal data seriously and we have followed a privacy-by-design architecture in order to ensure that your data is secure at all times.
The obligatory or voluntary nature of providing the requested data and the consequences of a potential refusal of providing such data
Providing your personal data for the purpose of registration and submission of your project proposal is not compulsory, yet the refusal to provide such data will preclude you from participating, as it will render you ineligible to receive the grant.
Providing your data for the promotional and marketing purposes described above is optional and requires the relevant prior consent, that you may give by clicking the checkbox in the application form on Submittable. In the absence of such consent, you can still participate in the project, however, the aerOS Consortium cannot send you any further information about similar activities after the conclusion of the project. Your consent, once provided, can be revoked at any time for all the contact modalities (whether traditional, such as paper-based mail, or automated, such as SMS or e-mail), as well as only for one or some of them, by submitting a communication to the Ethics Manager of aerOS, without any formality, at the following email address:
Entities or categories of entity to whom or which the data may be communicated, or who/which may get to know the data in their capacity as data processors or persons in charge of the processing, and the scope of dissemination of said data.
aerOS is to anonymise any personal and identifying data in the initial phase. The remaining data from the open call application will be shared with the open call reviewers, who will sign a Declaration of Absence of Conflict of Interest prior to the revision. Your proposal will be also shared with the Project Steering Board made of selected members of the aerOS project. Any organisation involved in the revision of the open call application will be considered as Data Processors. For the purposes of the competition, if you are selected for the grant, your company name will be published on the aerOS website together with the name of the project and funding amount (in compliance with EC guidelines for Cascading funding).

Your rights of access to, and rectification, of your data
We remind that, in your capacity of natural person, you can exercise your rights against the aerOS Consortium at any time, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the GDPR, by sending an email without formality to . It is crucial to underline that the open call participants will be the ultimate responsible for obliging and complying with the GDPR rules.
For this reason, we recommend the following:
· Applicants should make sure that decision makers and key people in their organisation are aware that the law changed to the GDPR in May 2018 and they need to understand the impact this is likely to have.
· Applicants should review the current privacy notices and put a plan in place for making any necessary changes in time for GDPR implementation.
· Applicants should proceed to review the procedures to guarantee they cover all the rights individuals have, including how you would delete personal data or provide data electronically and in a commonly used format.
· The applicants should be aware that they have to follow and have in place the necessary procedures for the detection, reporting, and investigation of any personal data breach.


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